Coming Soon

Optimizing Hormones the Wellness Way

Founded on August 17th 1984, VIMTA is an equal opportunity employer. We at VIMTA offer equal employment opportunities without any bias. The selections are based solely on the match between the requirements and individual applicant’s education, experience, knowledge, skills, capabilities and competence.

VIMTA is an excellent path for bright, hard-working people who value teamwork, integrity, and continued growth. We believe merit always promotes excellence and seniority tends to reward loyalty, merit-based promotions are favoured which focus on employee qualifications and performance while those based on seniority stress greater job security, protection and ingenuity from arbitrary treatment.

Working at VIMTA means working at the forefront of science and cutting-edge technologies.

At VIMTA, we are committed to building a diverse workforce with equity and inclusion capabilities, to support the dynamic needs of an ever-evolving industry. VIMTA offers ample opportunities for learning, up-skilling and cross-skilling to fast-track growth and career progression while offering the flexibility to balance personal and professional commitments. Our compensation and employee benefits are at par with the industry offerings. At VIMTA, we not only empower our employees to fulfil their ambitions, and prepare them to transition to higher roles and responsibilities; but also offer them the flexibility to switch their roles across different verticals and domains through a robust system of internal job postings. Having an open door policy; we value the opinion, feedback and suggestions of our employees for enhanced cumulative learning.

Life at Vimta is not only about work, but a vibrant panorama of many other aspects too. Here is a sneak-peek into our work-life moments.


At VIMTA, Learning & Development (L&D) has always been a key enabler of creating an agile and future-ready organization. As we transition to Workplace 4.0, we have been constantly working towards building a resilient organization to overcome the challenges of VUCA world (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity) coupled with disruptions caused by the pandemic.

The objective of all our L&D interventions is to enhance technical, functional and leadership competencies and strengthen organizational capabilities. The early stage capabilities are enhanced through a robust induction system, followed by numerous learning/training interventions to support not only job and compliance requirements but the professional development of team members as well, at various stages. Our interventions are a blend of classroom engagements, practical trainings, on-the-job trainings, mentoring and digital learning. Our resource persons are a mix of internal subject matter experts, and qualified guest trainers from industry and academia.


VIMTA strives to provide a work environment that is pleasant, healthy, comfortable and free from intimidation, hostility, or other offenses that might have potential conflicts to work performance. Harassment of any sort (verbal, physical, visual etc.) are not tolerated.

VIMTA has an anti-harassment policy. Harassment may be sexual or racial or be related to disability, age, caste or religion, and is prohibited by the Company. Headed by a woman employee, a committee is incorporated for prevention of sexual harassment.

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